Hi, it’s Marco!πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» I live in London, where I work as an iOS Engineer @Peak 🧠 and co-organise NSLondon.

I build iOS apps 🍎, contribute to open source and study Computer Engineering on the weekends. I became an iOS Engineer in 2016 studying at the Apple Developer Academy in Italy.

I love basketball πŸ€, books πŸ“š, TV series πŸ“Ί , tech πŸ’» and contributing to open source.

Currently focusing on learning more about testing, threading and functional programming. In my future I’d like to release an open source app and learn more about programming languages and graphics programming.


Now working at Peak, where we build a Brain Training Game selected within Best Apps of The Year by Apple in 2014. (April 2019 - now)

Previously worked for the apps agency Pushapp where I worked on multiple projects, both in Swift and Objective-C. (November 2017 - April 2019)

β¬‡οΈπŸ“ƒ Download my cv

Get in touch!

Email: marco24capano@icloud.com

Twitter: @marcocapano1

GitHub: @marcocapano

Linkedin: @marcocapano